Registration for Spring is open!

Please complete a registration form for each student.

(Need to see the Spring ‘24 Schedule? Check it out here →)


Our semester includes 13 weeks of classes
(over a 16-week period with 3 weeks of breaks in-between)

January 23: First day of spring semester classes!

February 12-16: Winter Break (No Classes)

March 25 - April 5: Spring Break (2 weeks, No Classes)

May 4: Children’s Business Fair

May 9*: Last day of spring semester

*Week of May 13: Possible flex week

*What is a flex week? If an “extra snowy” upcountry snowstorm (or wildfire, illness, hurricane, etc) shows up that requires a closure during the regular semesters, we’ll offer classes for an additional week in May if needed as a “makeup” for those who choose.